Friday, December 28, 2007

Languages Of India

India is a wast country.It is a very unique country in the world with a diverse culture,customs, traditions.The main reason for diversity is the invasions made by many great worriers from other regions of the world.As a impact of those invasions now India is diverse in it seeking languages also.Any ways have a look on the languages of India which are commonly used by most of Indians.
The Major spoken languages of India are
  • Assamis,
  • Bengali,
  • Gujrathi,
  • Hindi,
  • Kannada,
  • Kashmiri,
  • Malyalam,
  • Marathi,
  • Manipuri,
  • Orriya,
  • Punjabi,
  • Sanskriti,
  • Sindhi,
  • Tamil,
  • Telugu, &
  • Urdu.

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