Monday, September 3, 2007

Jane Goodall – Chimpanzees woman

Man is still evolving. Our eye are degenerating our little toe and the appendix are disappearing. But it is our spiritual evolution that worries me, especially the attitude: ‘MONEY, ME, NOW’ that people everywhere have
When she was 26, an age when other women dream of Hollywood, Jane Goodall Chimpanzees (not only Chimpanzees she also love great apes, the bonodas, the gorillas, the orangutans) in Gambe forest on the banks of lake Tungamika is East Africa.
She always wants to stay with chimpanzees, and she have a strong adored (love) them, she fought hard to remain detached from them, as she dedicated her whole and sole for observing their behaviour in the wild.
Sign of hope
During 2nd world war she visited Nagasaki the site where second atomic bomb was exploded. After explosion, scientists predicted that nothing would grow thee for at lest 30 years. But amazingly greenery grew back very quickly. One sapling actually managed to survive the bombing and today it is a large tree and produce leaves "Goodall always carries one of its leaves with her as a symbol of hope. She remember the days during her stay in thick forests of South Africa – Gambe".
Their she get familiar with few chimpanzees in her ear== research on chimpanzees and she named them as
1. David Graybeard
2. Goliath
Later in 1977, she established the Gambe Stream Research Centre (now it has its branches in more than 70 countries and even 30 registrations request from India alone one – she said in one of her interview).
Now Jane Goodall is 72, but she spends 320 day in a years an planes, in airparts, (or) in hotels allover the world. Look at her pace to life, aspiring- varying to know and seed and protect he wild life of world. But she hardly manage to find 4 days in a year to catch up with evolved Gambe
If she can do so much at the age of 72, why can’t we (to all young generation) of world

Source :

1. DHNS Sunday Herald

2. Google search - Image search

3. An interactive blag lanched by the Jane Goodall Institution

More links:

– Sachi Rocking life

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jane Goodall is a hard working women from her childwood days.She is very ambitious girl.She always take every day as it comes.N She have a good thoughts about the Humanity.Thank U.