Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Success when compared with humming bird.

"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing"

-By Abraham Lincoln

Success assume the individuality of a complete act executed with perfection.Being success full can be learnt from the nature.The most striking is the way the Humming Bird build it's own next to lay the eggs.

Up above in the Guava tree, the bird gently place the very first twig and off it goes for another.Then it comes back with another and then another.Each time, the bird used the twig to intricately weave and line the twigs never gives upon its mission.Little by little, over next few days, the nest starts taking shape with each twig delicately women.

We all need to learn how to patiently build our own personal nest-our dream, one twig at a time.The Humming bird's secret of success is what can help you to build your nest-Your Dream.